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What Retirees Can Expect in the Year-End Mail from DFAS

For retirees who still request postal mail from us, each December we mail your 1099- R, which is the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) form for reporting retirement or annuity distributions, along with a special print edition of the Retiree Newsletter with important news you need to know for the coming year.

We also send a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) change Retiree Account Statement (RAS), which shows the change in your gross and net pay that occurs when there is a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) to your pay. This RAS also includes other changes, including premium changes for any insurance allotments, such as TRICARE.

It’s important to note that the Statement Effective Date on the COLA change RAS is the first of December, so the Year-to-Date Summary figures are only for 11 months (they do not include your December payment). Therefore, the Year-to-Date Summary figures on this RAS will not match the figures on your 1099-R.

If you have opted to receive electronic mail, you will not receive this mailing. Your 1099-R and COLA change RAS are conveniently available to print or download from myPay.

Page updated Dec 15, 2021