One Pay

A miscellaneous payment is a valid obligation of the government including:

• Payment per special authoritative arrangements other than a formal contracting arrangement, such as special acts through legislative and executive orders.

• Payments and funding made by other federal agencies under special authority that necessitate special billing/reimbursement conditions.

• Payments for non-recurring, non-contractual purchases.

• Payments authorized under formal contracting arrangements that necessitate subsequent funding arrangements.

Dod 7000.14-R FMR Vol 10 Contract Pay Ch 12- Misc Pay

Did you know 

All certifying officials must have a valid DD 577 card loaded in Electronic Document Access (EDA) 

Approximately 15% of all 1034 and prompt payment submissions need to be returned for errors. Reasons include:

1. Incorrect PIIN/SPIIN
2. Missing Invoice Date
3. Gross Amount/Certified Amount Does Not Match
4. Incorrect Certifying Official’s Signature
5. Incorrect or missing supporting documentation
6. Expired registration on System for Award Management (SAM) website

Pre-Validation Contact information: 

Mailbox for LOA correction, request for suspended lines and funding issues: dfas.cleveland-oh.jaq. mbx.ccl-preval-acct@MAIL.MIL

Unmatched Disbursing issues submit your request thru ASKDFAS:

Establishing and Selecting Vendor in One Pay: 

1. Establish a contract and government entity (CAGE) code in,
2.  Create a Vendor ID (VID) - Banking

CONUS – Use SF 3881 for all U.S. Vendor requests (non-SAM)

OCONUS – Banking to be included on invoice;

Send Vendor ID/CEFT/BEIS requests to ASKDFAS: action?mid=14

To submit your invoice package to DFAS Cleveland: EDM FAX (FX) queue - Normal Incoming Invoice Submissions: FAX Number:  877-426-4280 or 614-701-2633 Corrections FAX:  216-367-3583

EDM JAG (FJ) queue - Incoming Judge Advocate General Invoices ONLY: FAX Number: 614-701-2654

EDM Troop Teacher ONLY:  FAX Number: 614-701-2655

To Request Access to EDM/EFR eUpload Document Utility contact: EDA HelpDesk 1-866-618-5988
Foreign Vendor Invoice Submissions: dfas.cleveland-oh.jaq.mbx.ccl-acct-foreign-vendor@mail.milShip Store and IPAC submissions: https://corpweb1.

Common One Pay types include:

Non Federal

• Utility payments
• Honorariums
• Legal claims
• Attorney fees
• Pre-paid postage
• Large & Small
• Contracts
• Moving & Storage-Syncada
• Foreign

**New Functionality -  United States Dollars Payments (USD) to foreign banks

One Pay payment status: 

To check One Pay payment status log on to My Invoice:

Contact us: 

If you have questions regarding Status of a One Pay payment, contact the following:

Customer Care Center 

1-855-608-3975 or ASKDFAS