Did You Know? Tools You Can Use on the R&A Pay Website
You may already know that DFAS.mil/retiredmilitary is a great place to get information about your retired pay. Our website has many features you may not know about. From the main Retired Military & Annuitants page, you can request an IRS Form 1099R, report the death of a retiree, get the forms you need to make changes to your account, submit a question through AskDFAS, and of course, find out about the latest news.
The latest news section of our website, on the Retired Military & Annuitants home page, is a quick way to see information that is new or time-sensitive. We update this section whenever there is news, so check back often to see if there is something that might affect your account.
When you arrive at DFAS.mil/retiredmilitary, you will see there is a menu on the left-hand side. Above the menu are four blue links:
- The top link is our customer service link. This page has information about our mailing address, phone and fax numbers.
- The next link down is AskDFAS. AskDFAS provides a pathway for retirees and annuitants to see questions that others have asked or ask your own questions without calling the customer care center.
- The Forms link will take you to a list of forms used by R&A to maintain your account. Many actions require a specific form and this is the easiest place to find the form you need.
- Lastly, there are some Frequently Asked Questions and their answers provided to save you time that you might otherwise spend on the phone.
At the top of the Retired Military & Annuitants home page is a gray box that gives you the option to request a duplicate IRS Form 1099R from the website. This is a quick and easy process for those retirees or annuitants who do not use myPay. From the Retired Military & Annuitants page, you can click on the box in center of the page and this will take you to a form in AskDFAS. Just complete the online form and click submit and a duplicate IRS Form 1099R will be sent to the address on your account. If you want the form sent to an alternate address, that option is available as well by entering the alternate address on the form. You should receive the form within 7-10 days.
The death of a retiree can be a very emotional and trying time, and we want reporting a death to be as easy as possible. Just below the IRS Form 1099R box on our homepage is another box that a family member or friend can use to report the death. Clicking on that box takes you to a form to complete with information about the retiree. You can also enter an email address so you can be notified of progress as the case is processed.
On the top right of DFAS.mil are easy links to myPay, AskDFAS, our Facebook page, our YouTube channel (with how-to videos on using myPay) and our LinkedIn page.
Our website will continue to be the place to find the latest news, information and forms needed to maintain your account, as well as serve as a gateway to other tools you can use, like myPay and AskDFAS.
Page last updated on June 20, 2019