School Certifications for SBP Child Annuitants: New, Convenient, Online Option for Submitting School Certification Forms Now Available
Student Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) child annuitants who need to send school certifications now have a new, convenient, online option for submitting their school certification forms.
We created a new online upload tool where child annuitants can upload and submit a school certification form through AskDFAS on the website, which is also accessible on a mobile browser.
The online upload tool is at (this URL is case-sensitive):
To use the new, online tool to submit a school certification form, students just need to fill in the required information in the online screen, and then upload a PDF of their completed and signed DD 2788 - Child Annuitant's School Certification form. This online tool can only accept school certification forms and accompanying documentation. It cannot be used for other types of annuitant documents or requests.
New email reminders for school certifications
In addition, DFAS is developing new email reminders for when it is time to submit school certifications. Student SBP child annuitants who would like to receive these reminders just need to have a myPay account with a valid email address, and DFAS will email reminders when school certifications are coming due.
Information on getting started with myPay is at:
Coming soon: a checklist to help you fill out the School Certification form
In late September, we will have a how-to checklist available to make filling out the School Certification form easier. The checklist has quick tips, helpful hints on how to fill out the annuitant’s portion of the checklist, information on how the school official should fill out their portion, and a few reminders to pay attention to before submitting your form.
The checklist will be available on the
Forms webpage, as well as on the School Certification webpage:
Continuation of SBP payments after a child annuitant turns 18
Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) annuity payments typically stop for child annuitants covered under SBP when they reach age 18, unless they are incapacitated. However, if the child annuitant attends school full-time (in high school or at an accredited college or university), the SBP annuity payments can continue until they reach age 22 or otherwise become ineligible.
To continue the annuity payments, a child annuitant over 18 must submit a school certification form each term/semester. We must receive the form no later than the last day of the school term to continue payments without interruption.
If not using the school certification AskDFAS online upload tool, student child annuitants can submit their school certification forms through the mail or via fax.
Please see the School Certification webpage for more information:
Page last updated on Sept 25, 2019