If you use myPay, you may see something new in your email inbox beginning this fall. DFAS Retired & Annuitant Pay will start sending some important notifications via SmartDoc direct to your email inbox, instead of you having to wait for a letter to arrive in the mail.
One email notification we will test this fall advises a retiree if an allotment was returned and consequently stopped (for example, due to incorrect bank information). By sending this notification via email, we can advise a retiree faster to an issue so the retiree can correct the problem with the allotment quickly.
The other notification that will be sent electronically this fall will advise a retiree when their pay is re-started after it was suspended.
The SmartDoc emails will not contain individual details, since we are prohibited from sending personally-identifiable information via email for privacy and security. However, when a retiree receives an email notification, they can log in to their myPay account to see the details of the allotment or pay. So, in the case of a stopped allotment, for example, a retiree can log in to myPay and promptly correct it.
For retirees who don’t use myPay, notification letters will continue to be sent by postal mail.
In addition to the two new email notifications described above, we will be adding more email notification options over time. So, having a myPay account with your current email address will pay off in shorter wait times for you to get updates on your account. Even if you’ve never used myPay, or don’t access it on a regular basis, you can get the advantage of early notifications by adding your email address to your myPay account. myPay is available for all retirees and it’s easy to get started or to update your information.
Page updated on September 25, 2018