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New Area on DFAS.mil Website for Members in the Gray Area

          Retired and Annuitant Pay is working on increasing communications with members in the gray area. These are members of the reserves who have stopped drilling, but have not started receiving retired pay.

In many cases, this time period can last years, and members can miss important information. If you know any members in the gray area, please let them know that we have started a new website area within the “Retired Military & Annuitants” area on DFAS.mil that is designed just for them and we will be adding new content in the coming months. 

The initial gray area webpage outlines the notification steps that survivors of a gray area reservist should take when he/she passes away before they start receiving retired pay. Survivors need to first contact the reservist’s branch of service to notify them of a gray area reservist’s passing because DFAS will not have a retired pay account established for a gray area reservist who isn’t yet receiving pay.

Click here for the “Starting SBP for Gray Area Reservist Survivors” page.

Page updated on September 25, 2018