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M-F, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET

Director's Message

Greetings to all retirees and annuitants. It’s almost Independence Day and I want to thank you for your service and sacrifice to this great country. 

Now that we are past tax season, we want to remind you how important it is to keep your account accurate and up to date. Please read the article on what to do after you experience a life-changing event, so you know what actions you should take and how the event could affect your retired pay.

Sadly, the life-changing event could be your death. It’s important your SBP beneficiaries know what to do and what to expect after your death. There is an informative article in this edition that I encourage you to share with your loved ones.

If you are not already on myPay, I encourage you to create an account. There is a myPay mobile version that you can use on your smartphone or mobile device. Please see the article on myPay mobile for how you can access your account information on the go.

The Special Survivor Indemnity Allowance (SSIA) for surviving spouses is now a permanent benefit. We know it can be confusing to understand how SBP, DIC, and SSIA are paid, so there is an article in this issue outlining the basics. We also have an article on when you can change your participation in SBP after retirement.

I hope you find these newsletters useful and informative. This month, we have added a downloadable pdf version of the newsletter that you can share with friends who may not be online.

It is an honor for us to serve those who have served. I wish everyone a safe and happy Independence Day.