2018 is coming to a close and we are about to enter the 2019 tax season. Before we get into the thick of the season, there are a few things that every retiree and annuitant needs to know.
First, myPay continues to be the quickest and easiest way to access your account information. You can see how the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) will affect your pay, get your IRS Form 1099R and much more. This newsletter has a great article on getting into your myPay account, whether you’ve used myPay before, or you are accessing your account for the first time, as well as other options for getting your current and past 1099Rs. And while you’re logged in to myPay, make sure to update your email and mailing addresses.
Second, we need your help to pay you accurately and on time. Please check your account at least once a year and ensure that your mailing address is correct. And, for retirees, please check that your Survivor Benefit Plan beneficiary and Arrears of Pay beneficiary information are correct.
Third, DFAS is expanding the use of email as a way to communicate about changes to your account and actions that may be needed. If you don’t have an email registered in myPay, do it now so you’ll receive the emails.
Next, you may have questions about your pay or benefits, but do not know who you should contact. Be sure to read the article about who to contact for the most common questions.
Did you know that there are several options for getting your tax documents and making updates to your account that don’t require you to call our Customer Care Center and wait on hold? Check out the article on the options you have to get pay information and make changes to your account.
Also, in 2018, there was a shift from the Tricare Retiree Dental Program (TRDP) to the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Program (FEDVIP). In this issue, there is an article with useful information on that change.
Finally, at your request, we added a PDF version of the quarterly online Retiree Newsletter that you can download and read offline, print for reference, or share with others. It’s available on the Retiree Newsletter page along with the other online newsletter articles. Look for the link that says, “Click here for a PDF of the December 2018 Retiree Newsletter.”
We hope you find this newsletter useful and informative. Thank you for your service to our great country. We are proud to serve those who have served, and we wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday season.
Page last edited on December 12, 2018