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myPay for SBP Annuitants

As you’ve heard, the quickest and most secure way to manage your SBP annuity or SSIA pay is with myPay. This online account management system puts you in control of your own account. You can use myPay to view your SBP annuity account detail, including your Annuitant Account Statement, change direct deposit information, change your mailing address, and print and view IRS forms, such as the 1099R.
Spouse SBP annuitants can also use myPay to submit their eligibility verifications (COEs, ROEs) and child SBP annuitants over 18 can use myPay to submit their ROEs, if required (See “What SBP Annuitants Need to Know - How to Verify Eligibility to Keep Payments Coming” article in this issue).

Please note: only annuitants who are current receiving an SBP annuity payment or SSIA pay can use myPay.  

myPay Two-Factor Authentication

In late April, two-factor authentication became mandatory for all myPay users.

Simply put, two-factor authentication uses your mobile phone number or email address to provide a means to verify that you are you and not someone who has discovered your myPay Login ID and password.

myPay accounts are secured with Login IDs and passwords. When an account holder enters this information, a unique one-time PIN is sent to the individual’s mobile phone via text message or as an email message to an address contained in the user’s myPay profile. Once the one-time PIN is entered on the myPay login screen, access to the account is provided.

The one-time PIN verification code remains valid for 10 minutes so it will be important that the user have access to the mobile phone or email account previously selected by the user to receive the information.

Information on two-factor authentication is available via the Defense Finance and Accounting Service website at https://www.dfas.mil/mypayinfo/2FA/. There you will also find a link to the two-factor most frequently asked questions that explain the benefits of two-factor authentication and the steps needed to help you meet the new requirements.

Remember, two-factor authentication helps keep your online accounts secure and prevents thieves from stealing your personal and financial information.
How to Get Started with myPay - https://mypay.dfas.mil
If you’ve never used myPay, you can request an initial password on the myPay homepage using the “Forgot or Need a Password” link. The password will be mailed to the address you have on file with DFAS and you will receive it in about 10 business days.
Once you receive your password in the mail, you can return to the myPay homepage and log in with the temporary password you received in the mail to create your myPay profile.
We have a downloadable step-by-step Get Started Guide to myPay on our website: www.dfas.mil/managesbp
We also have a how-to video on the DFAS YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/DFAS
Page updated June 9, 2021